Anyone (if anyone) reading this knows I'm not the blogging type, the type to read blogs, or even string words together to form coherent sentences dare paragraphs even. But i think i'm losing touch with a lot of you (imaginary "readers"). plus i'm bored at my temp job and have time to fill...so
I know i'm slow at catching on with popular technology; cell phones, myspace, indoor plumbing. but i guess i'll give it a shot, if nothing else i'll put pictures up.
Do it, buddy! Show us the hotness.
Awww. I sure do like Ms. Beans.
you realize this is just a live journal
I like how not that long ago you were all like, oooh, I don't reeeead blogs! Chicago does crazy shit to people, Goobs!
Ahem. Where is my link? ;)
Sweet dude. Blogs are hell, but kind of cool too. Just a way to live online and not do shit in the real world. Are you coming to Missouri anytime soon? I've got a fouton (spelling?) you can crash on if you're ever here.
and here i thought you had dropped off the face of the earth.. welcome back. chicago! you finally made it there, way ahead of me and kyle.
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